Therapy for Moms.
Where moms find relief, resilience, and real support.
Postpartum and early parenting can be so disorienting. I’m here to help you find some solid ground so you can bloom in motherhood.
Hi! I’m Molly.
✽ You may be feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or lonely as a parent. Maybe you feel isolated while caring for your baby, or don’t have the support you thought you’d have from your friends, family, or partner.
✽ Maybe your birth didn’t go as expected or was even really scary and you feel worried- like really worried- all the time.
✽ Maybe you’re not feeling ready to go back to work, or you’re feeling a lot of guilt about going back to work.
✽ Maybe the new demands of motherhood feel hard to manage (hello, sleep deprivation!) and you find yourself feeling irritable and angry.
✽ And maybe it’s hard or even feels shameful to admit how you’ve been feeling. This isn’t what you thought motherhood would be like.
I understand, and I’m here to help. I am a therapist in Pasadena, California where I help postpartum women and new moms adjust to and thrive in the transition to motherhood.
It can take a lot to be vulnerable and open to share what you are going through - especially as a new mom. We often feel like we should have it all figured out all the time. Becoming a mother is a huge, complicated life transition full of joy and challenges. You deserve support in this journey. I offer therapy for moms in Pasadena to help you in navigating and balancing all the changes and transformation that motherhood brings. You don’t have to do this alone - therapy can help.
Working with a maternal mental health therapist can help you feel confident, calm, and connected as a mom - so you can enjoy being the parent you’ve always wanted to be.

Therapy for moms
to go from feeling overwhelmed to confident, calm, and connected - so you can enjoy being the parent you’ve always wanted to be.
So glad you're here
So glad you're here ✽
What do you need to ✽bloom✽ in motherhood?
Poppy Therapy offers individual therapy and support for moms ✨
We’re going for confident, calm, & connected!✨
Becoming a mother is a huge, complicated life transition. Like any big life transition, the changes can bring along with them a lot of stress. However, if it feels like your worried thoughts are taking over and causing you pain and distress, might be experiencing postpartum anxiety. Counseling can help you learn different ways of thinking, reacting, and behaving - increasing your ability to tolerate uncomfortable emotions and your ability to be in the present moment and be at peace. Counseling for postpartum anxiety can give you tools to heal and feel grounded and find calm as a mother.
If your birth didn’t go as planned or expected, if there was a medical emergency, or if you didn’t feel heard or supported during the birth of your child, you might view your birth as traumatic. If you are suffering after a traumatic birth, therapy for birth trauma can help heal the emotional effects of your birth experience. Therapy for birth trauma can help you understand how the birth affected you and begin the healing process so you can move forward feeling connected with a sense of control, peace, and safety.
Whether it’s your first pregnancy or you’ve been a mom for years, it’s my privilege to help you make sense and meaning out of your role as a mother. Everyone needs and deserves support during pregnancy and parenthood. Your mental health matters and counseling for moms can help. Therapy for moms is an opportunity for you to find calm and clarity in the early days, months, and years of motherhood. Everyone’s experience is unique, but you are not alone.
Postpartum depression is the most common of the perinatal mood and anxiety disorders. It is a complex mix of psychological, emotional, and physical changes that cause despair and sadness and can significantly impact your ability to live your day-to-day life. Counseling for postpartum depression can help you feel joy, confidence, and connection as a mother. Together we can find better ways to cope with your feelings, solve problems, set realistic goals, and respond to situations in a positive way.
“Becoming a mother leaves no woman as it found her. It unravels her and rebuilds her. It cracks her open, takes her to her edges. It’s both beautiful and brutal; often at the same time.”
— Nikki McCahon
As a mom, have you had thoughts like…
“This is not what I expected.”
“I feel completely overwhelmed.”
“I can’t stop thinking about my baby’s birth.”
“I don’t know how to create boundaries.”
“How can I possibly manage this all?”
“I don’t know who I am anymore.”
“My anxiety is making me feel out of control.”
There is so much pressure on mothers. Postpartum therapy can help you feel more calm and present as a new parent, strengthen your coping skills, process all the feelings that come along with becoming a mother, and move forward confidently knowing your values and identity as a mother.
Postpartum Counseling in Pasadena

Motherhood is challenging. AND it can also be an opportunity for growth, healing, self-exploration, developing an authentic sense of self, and learning new skills. I view my role as a therapist for moms as being a supportive partner and a compassionate guide and witness to your unique experience. In postpartum therapy, I provide judgement-free support to help you emotionally process the huge transitions that becoming a mother brings, offering an environment where you can express and process difficult emotions. You know yourself best - my goal is to walk with you as you grow and come back to yourself, integrating your new identity as a mom into who you are. We work together as a team to help you feel confident and supported as a mom. You’ll develop and build up the skills and social supports you need to cope, and be empowered to discover ways to make mental and emotional health a priority - caring for yourself while caring for others. Whether it’s your first pregnancy or you’ve been a mother for years, it’s my privilege to help you make sense and meaning out of your role as a mother.
As a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and therapist, I help new moms, postpartum women, and moms who want to find meaning and courage in the emotions, big decisions, transitions, and new experiences that come with motherhood. It’s a wild ride- and it’s impossible to predict how big changes like pregnancy, fertility challenges, becoming a parent, pregnancy loss, adoption, or returning to work as a parent will impact your relationships or how you feel about yourself and your identity. Everyone’s experience is unique, but you are not alone. I love seeing the growth and healing that happens when moms have support in calming the anxiety and chaos that can come with being a mom so they can focus on being present with joy.
I specialize in perinatal mental health (mom’s mental health in the time from pregnancy through the first years of a child’s life) and have advanced training through Postpartum Support International. My own journey into motherhood and my experience of birth trauma and postpartum anxiety led me to learning about perinatal mental health and working with mothers, so I know how crucial strong support and good self-care are in the postpartum and early parenting stages. That’s why our work together includes getting clear about who you are and what you want - identifying your values, and integrating life and self-changes to get you there, while also improving your relationships and social support along the way. I’m honored to do this work.
The relationship between therapist and client is an essential part of therapy, and goodness of fit (the compatibility between therapist and client) is vital. As a perinatal mental health therapist for moms, I want you to experience safety and connection, empathy and encouragement, and joy and curiosity. In our time together, my priority is to establish a safe, warm environment of acceptance and understanding in order to create and foster true connection - connection that encourages you and invites you into curiosity and joy. Together we’ll discover how embracing your strengths and your values can move you forward.
You can read more about me here.
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