18. Navigating the Complex and Beautiful Journey of NICU Parenting with Jodi Klaristenfeld | Season 2 Episode 2
Join me for this conversation for growing moms with Jodi Klaristenfeld, mother of a 28-week preemie NICU graduate and the founder of FLRRiSH. In this episode, Jodi shares about the unexpected early birth of her daughter, her NICU experience, and how her motherhood journey has brought her to support and empower NICU parents.
We talk about:
β Navigating the complex and beautiful world of becoming the mother of a NICU baby
β Special NICU milestones and celebrations
β The mix of emotions NICU families experience - from fear and worry to wonder and pride
β Adjusting expectations of motherhood and learning to trust your child's own journey in their development and growth
β Practical challenges like feeding your baby and returning to work when your baby has an extended NICU stay
β The strength and resilience of NICU babies (and their parents)
This episode gives such insight into the challenging journey of having a baby in the NICU - and all that comes after.
Join us!
"Sometimes in life, we don't have choices - we put one foot in front of the other even though we don't necessarily know how we do it. And then we see all the beauty and the celebrations throughout."
Jodi Klaristenfeld is a mom to an adorable little girl who was born at 28 weeks due to a rare and life-threatening form of preeclampsia and HELLP Syndrome. After her daughter's early birth, Jodi quickly discovered preemie moms and dads arenβt always given the support they need. As a result, she created FLRRiSH, a platform that offers NICU parent education, empowerment, support and resources to help families navigate this beautiful and challenging journey. Jodi, her husband, and her family live in NYC.
β BLOG: Caring for Your Mental Health with a Baby in the NICU
β BLOG: 5 Ways to Bond with Your Baby in the NICU
β SUPPORT GROUP: Support and Connection Group for NICU moms
β You can learn more about Jodi and her resources for NICU parents at https://www.flrrish.com