21. Self-Compassion and Psychological Flexibility for a Calmer Motherhood with Kristin Mize | Episode 21
Join me for this conversation for growing moms with Kristin Mize, a licensed therapist, motherhood empowerment coach, and mom of three boys.
In this episode, Kristin talks about motherhood has grown her self-compassion, mindfulness, and kindness - and how she supports other mothers to do the same.
We talk about:
❀ What Kristin wishes all moms knew when it comes to preparing your mental health for having a baby or adding another baby to your family
❀ How to prepare for birth and be flexible around birth plans and expectations
❀ Getting to know and learning to trust your own intuition
❀ Developing and cultivating self-compassion in parenting
❀ Setting boundaries around what works for YOUR family
❀ A framework for making decisions while avoiding anxiety spirals and self-doubt
❀ And of course, her words of wisdom for moms who are in it right now
Join us!
From pregnancy to birth preparation to postpartum sleep and boundaries - self-compassion and psychological flexibility are key!
“If you do have practices where your self-care is built in, where you're taking care of your mental health, it makes it a heck of a lot - I won't say easier, but you can roll with it more. If you're taking care of yourself, you don't hold onto things as long. You may not feel things as intensely. You’re giving yourself more grace. These are the things that you can be preparing for while pregnant or while thinking about adding an additional little one to your family.”
Kristin Mize, LCSW, is a licensed counselor and motherhood empowerment coach who helps overwhelmed millennial moms overcome anxiety once and for all by ditching perfectionism and people-pleasing so they can be the mama they want to be, not the one they feel like they HAD to be! She has worked with women all across the journey of motherhood- from pre-conception and infertility, through pregnancy, postpartum, and beyond. Her mission and her passion is bringing awareness to maternal mental health and effecting change across the board, the way perinatal mood and anxiety disorders are viewed in our society.
❀ Get prepared for before, during, and after leave with my free maternity leave checklist!
❀ Kristin’s Website
❀ Calm Mom Collective Facebook Group